Ryterna modul Architectural Challenge 2018 TINY HOUSE Winners

Ryterna modul Architectural Challenge 2018 TINY HOUSE Winners

2019 07 25

It's sad... That it's over.
But hell! WE have WINNERS to announce!!!

All things, good or bad eventually come to the end. No exception and our competition. Sadly, today it ends for us with Ryterna modul Architectural Challenge 2018 TINY HOUSE. But happily we have winners to announce! And this is the moment you all been waiting for!

We had big board of jury this year. And all of them there pretty different - some of them there very technical, some of them there dreamers and some there somewhere in the middle, but eventually, after long debates, bunch of theories, approvals and denials we came to the conclusion and managed to select best works from all of those 150 submitted projects.

I bet you can not wait no more! So here we GO!

1st place:
2nd place: 
3rd place:
4th place:

CONGRATULATIONS from all of Ryterna modul team, as well as from all of jury members!

What's next? All the winners will be contacted in person via e-mail in which you will find details on further steps.

We sincerely want to thank you all, for taking part in our competition. Please take a look at the video (see below) were you will find what jury had to say about the projects that won.

We hope to see you all taking part in next year competition. Which will be the 5th annual international competition! We can not believe it ourselfs, that we all together made it so far!

This is why our competition winners took part in our competition and brief information about them:

1st place winner:
"The attractiveness, novelty of the subject and small scale of this project interested me to work on it." - With respect, Abdolrahman Kadkhodasalehi.

Abdolrahman a 30 years old from Iran. Graduated from Islamic Azad University of Mahabad and received Masters Degree in Architecture, and he is currently an architect and has established his own architecture office - BAO 

2nd place winners:

"We've taken part in Ryterna Module Competition, because it is a big dream to create spaces in picturesque hard-to-reach places, such as a river bank, or deep-deep forest. Also we like the scale of project, it possible to design it with nice details. We like such fact, that organizer of competition is a building company, that has opportunity to realize projects of architects." - Julia and Stas Kaptur.

Julia Kaptur,  a 29 years old, architect, partner of ceramic studio "Fira Project", author of theTelegram chanel "Fragments".

Stas Kaptur,  a 29 years old, architect in bureau "Tsimailo, Lyashenko and partners", Moscow.

3rd place winner:

"This year Ryterna modul Competition created a great opportunity for me to explore and contribute my ideas to tiny house movement" - William Samin.

William Samin, a 23 years old. Graduated and earned bachelor's degree in architecture from North Sumatera University, Indonesia (LinkedIn)

Honorable mention:

"The program and the scale of this project allow architects to develop their architectural philosophies and methodologies in the design process. Additionally, concentrating on a modular dwelling space inspires architects to rethink and reveal the atmospheric potential while people completely neglect the familiar circumstance around them in everyday life." - Clarence Zichen Qian.

Originally from China, he received his Master of Architecture from University of Waterloo, School of Architecture. Currently he is working at Quadrangle Architects in Toronto and is in pursuit of becoming a registered architect in Canada.


THANK YOU for being part of our yearly competition and we hope to see you next year in our upcoming new competition!